Did the founders get it right?

Sun, May 20, 2018 (2 a.m.)

Our Constitution has been successful since its inception, but will it continue to hold up?

Separation of church and state has managed to keep our country from engaging in holy wars that appear in many countries that have no such protection. That barrier is now being weakened by new laws in some states.

Our three branches of government are separate to protect against tyranny and dictatorships. Our Founding Fathers thought there would always be enough constitutional minds in Congress to protect that separation. Current actions by the GOP have shown that the resolve of those who want that separation dissolved may have been underestimated.

The right to bear arms was meant to protect the citizenry. The founders had no idea there would be weapons capable of mass murder, directed at our own citizens by our own citizens.

The strength of our Constitution is solely dependent on the sanity of those in charge. It is becoming evident that it is not strong enough.

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