Letter to the editor:

In search of middle ground

Thu, Oct 18, 2018 (2 a.m.)

Liberals and conservatives have been pleading for others to come to a middle ground on political issues. They are asking folks to abandon the extremes and find issues on which we can actually engage each other, resolving problems found. This can be done if and only if there is a real reliance on the truth and the ability to admit that previously held positions may have been too extreme or even wrong.

I am not asking for defeat on any issue, just concession that there may be truth on both sides. To that end, I ask those who endorsed and have supported President Donald Trump the following list of questions:

• Do you still believe the threat of global warming is simply bad science or that, if true, there is nothing that can be done to mitigate it?

• Do you believe Trump does not have a real history of sexual abuse of women?

• Can you explain to your own satisfaction Trump’s attitude and policy toward Russia?

• Are you satisfied with Trump’s actions toward Canada, Iran and North Korea?

• Are you in agreement with Trump on the border with Mexico and the steps taken concerning children seeking asylum?

Liberals are exhausted by all of the above issues. It is time for “the friends” of Trump to step up and deal with these issues, letting truth and facts drive the discussions, not political backbiting. Silence when the facts do not support is getting us nowhere.

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