Letter to the editor:

Thank you, Sen. McCain

Sat, Sep 8, 2018 (2 a.m.)

With his death, Sen. John McCain gave America one more reason to appreciate his life.

In his passing, McCain exposed the true nature of Donald Trump. Trump’s anger, resentment, vindictiveness and petty jealousy upon learning of McCain’s death was a vivid acknowledgement that McCain was everything Donald Trump is not.

McCain was a Vietnam war hero. Donald Trump a Vietnam draft dodger. McCain was a testament to the mantra “duty, honor, country.” Donald Trump has no honor, and his most important duty is to his own narcissistic selfishness, while country to Trump is just an added department of Trump Enterprises.

Donald Trump is a man with a lot of money but no class and no honor, a cowardly bully with no moral compass. He’s an Ivy league educated know nothing.

I’m retired from the military and I’m a combat veteran of Vietnam.

I didn’t always agree with McCain’s politics, but I always recognized and appreciated his service to America, both in Vietnam as well as the in the Senate.

Thank you, Sen. McCain for giving Trump a stage to demonstrate to Americans what it looks like to be a successful businessman, but an abject failure as a human being.

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