Letter to the editor:

President does as bad as he says

Fri, Aug 16, 2019 (2 a.m.)

Republicans in Congress keep saying to look at what the president does and not what he says.

Consider this: The president makes nice with leaders like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un while he denigrates leaders of friendly nations like Mexico and England. In the meantime, Putin’s Russia pulls out of the short-range missile agreement and builds up its fleet of missiles on the borders of our NATO partners.

After meeting with the president, Kim’s North Korea starts firing missiles again, causing stress to friendly nations like South Korea and Japan. The president pulls out of treaties intended to improve air quality and restrict nuclear proliferation. Meanwhile climate change melts the ice cap in Greenland and Iran restarts its nuclear fuel enrichment process.

The president starts a trade war with China and destroys the market for a large part of the beans and corn produced by farmers in the Midwest. He gives our tax money to farmers to keep them from leaving his voting bloc.

The president holds rallies and spews negative comments about citizens with ethnic differences from him and there is an uptick in mass murder of innocent people with weapons of war. We need to get this dangerous and unqualified person out of government and send him back to reality TV where he has less chance of hurting our country.

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