Letter to the editor:

Trump has no accomplishments

Tue, Jun 18, 2019 (2 a.m.)

The writer of the June 13 letter, “Ponder the good Trump has done,” seems to think CNN and MSNBC have a bias against President Donald Trump and we should watch Fox News to get a better understanding of him.

I suggest that the letter writer watch something other than Fox to see what the rest of this country and the world think of the president.

What has Trump accomplished? He got a massive tax cut for the rich passed, putting the country seriously in debt. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would like to blame this on Medicare and Social Security, but that doesn’t fly.

There has been no infrastructure bill, no new health care insurance bill, no nothing. The nation’s low unemployment and good economy were carried over from the Obama administration. Even when Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate, nothing was accomplished. McConnell refuses to work with Democrats on anything, so nothing gets done.

Trump is a proven compulsive liar. His only accomplishment has been to improve his golf game on his own courses, at a cost of millions of dollars to the taxpayers.

This country, as we know it, would not survive another four years of this administration.

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