Minorities are at back of the line

Sun, May 12, 2019 (2 a.m.)

We often hear President Donald Trump and his supporters brag that the unemployment rate for blacks and minorities is at its lowest level since 1972, when the Department of Labor began tracking that statistic.

As with many things in the public sphere, Trump and his supporters don’t even understand that what they’re crowing about undermines their past claims about minorities.

Our friends on the right often complain that minorities want a “free ride” and would prefer not to work. The shrinking unemployment rate demonstrates that belief to be wrong and that, when given the opportunity, minorities would gladly take a job.

Why do you suppose the black and minority unemployment rate is still twice that of whites? Blacks and minorities will gladly take paying jobs over government handouts, but seem to have to wait until the white people doing most of the hiring have run out of whites to fill open positions.

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