Christ would rebuke Trump

Fri, Aug 14, 2020 (2 a.m.)

Evangelicals for Trump demonstrated recently their fervent support for our president, a man no less than sent by God, they say.

Evangelicals for Trump claim the high road in their religious beliefs; they claim to promote the teachings of the Bible, the Ten Commandments, honesty, integrity, following in the footsteps of Christ and Christian belief.

Yet they see no conflict in supporting a proven pathological liar, a proven con artist who has made a career of scamming people with his phony university, phony charity and history of multiple financial scams related to his business practices and real estate deals.

President Donald Trump is an immoral adulterer no more familiar with the inside of a church than he is with the inside of a barn. He is a con artist who even now is ripping off and scamming America by profiteering off of his office.

They demonstrate in support of a man who has no moral compass and no interest other than his own selfishness.

If Trump was sent by God, then God has a weird sense of humor, or he ran out of locusts and grasshoppers. Evangelicals for Trump should study the definition of the word “hypocrisy.”

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