Letter to the editor:

Compromise is in the nation’s DNA

Fri, Feb 21, 2020 (2 a.m.)

The Feb. 15 letter “Time to stand up for our country” states: “The impeachment “trial” is over but as more and more evidence continues to be revealed, it becomes painfully clear that our country is in trouble. A morally bankrupt president and the Republican Party are destroying the fabric of our country and the essence of us as a people.”

Living in a divided America is nothing new. Our Founding Fathers did — Thomas Jefferson and his acceptance of slavery; John Adams and his approval of economic inequality; James Madison and his insistence on constitutional law much to the chagrin of all his opponents; George Washington and his unpopular foreign policy. The Civil War was fought over slavery but it still took another century for civil rights to be enacted into law.

The American experience in governance isn’t about being united behind one correct political answer; it’s finding a better way to frame the issue to win compromise.

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