Respect heals nation’s wounds

Sun, May 2, 2021 (2 a.m.)

Looking into our country’s history, we can see the recorded racial atrocities that were committed by some whites when they forcibly stripped many non-whites of their land, humanity and life during the founding and building of America.

As a result of these atrocities, non-whites and whites are not eager to trust and embrace each other, for different reasons. Non-whites do not trust that some whites have really changed from their racist ancestors. Some whites, meanwhile, do not trust that non-whites, when in a position of power, will let bygones be bygones, seeking no accountability from them for the atrocities perpetrated by their ancestors.

To address these notions today, non-whites affirm that they are only interested in seeking justice for all under the Constitution. Some whites, however, are focusing on power and control over non-whites by attempting to enact laws that restrict their rights.

These attempts to restrict and devalue non-whites’ rights suggest a lack of understanding and appreciation for the priceless value of humanity, giving more fertile ground for racism to grow.

If we want to defeat racism, we must embrace humanity with love and trust for all; there is no other way.

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