Smearing of Harris has begun

Sun, Nov 14, 2021 (2 a.m.)

I was watching the news on a recent Monday when it reported on an unfavorable poll of Vice President Kamala Harris. I’d never heard of a poll on the performance of the vice president.

The VP doesn’t make policy and only takes actions and implements policies at the request of the president. I knew Sinclair Broadcasting, which owns the news station I was watching, was a right-wing organization. It has been called out for forcing its media outlets to shape information on local channels across the nation with a right-leaning slant.

Then, the next day, the Las Vegas Review-Journal printed a similar column indicating that Harris’ poll numbers were below those of President Joe Biden’s.

Now I get it: Republicans are concerned that Harris may run for president if Biden doesn’t seek a second term, so they’re starting a slander campaign on her now. After all, that tactic worked well on Hillary Clinton.

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