Only unity will beat this virus

Sun, Oct 3, 2021 (2 a.m.)

For weeks, the nation was fixated on Gabby Petito. Law enforcement and news services were inundated with tips, clues and sightings from numerous individual sources, all caring citizens trying to do the right thing to help a missing woman whose body was eventually found in Wyoming.

Among the tipsters were Democrats, Republicans, vaccinated people and unvaccinated people. This situation is unfortunate and tragic, but Petito is only one person.

By comparison, the COVID-19 virus has already infected more than 44 million Americans and claimed over 700,000 lives. As we face this national health crisis that infects and kills regardless of gender, age, race, religious affinity or political affiliation, we must put aside our pride and prejudice, tone down our hate and ignorance, adjust our behavior and reset our priorities to save ourselves, our families, our loved ones and our community.

Sadly, many still consider these deaths lives as some statistical number. They are not just a number. Each one of these lost souls was someone’s grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, husband, wife or child.

Americans are a caring, generous and sympathetic people. It is reassuring to see our nation focused, united and galvanized in our efforts to solve the Petito case. However, we should direct our priorities to focus, unify and galvanize our efforts toward fighting off this deadly COVID-19 contagion.

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