Criticism of Biden is unfair

Sat, Sep 18, 2021 (2 a.m.)

The Sept. 11 letter “Biden emboldens our enemies,” about the recent withdrawal from Afghanistan, is nothing more than the ruminations of a Monday morning quarterback who either doesn’t know the facts or chooses to ignore them.

The writer argued about the loss of 13 American service members. While I mourn those deaths, not one American died in the withdrawal process prior to Aug. 26, when the 13 died as a result of two suicide bombers. How can anyone predict the insane action of suicide bombers?

Compare this with more than 115,000 deaths of American service members, US. contractors, and Afghan civilians, military and police over 20 years.

The writer also faulted Biden’s “indifference” because he never served in the armed forces. So what? A lot of enlightened, educated and experienced people never wore a uniform or served in the armed forces, but still made the right military decisions.

The writer further faults Biden for looking at his watch when observing the return of the bodies of fallen American service members. Isn’t the important quality of a president not whether he looks at his watch but what happens on his watch?

While Biden hasn’t completed his presidency yet, I’ll take his watch over past presidents like George W. Bush, who caused us to enter the Iraq War based on manufactured evidence of weapons of mass destruction, and Donald Trump, who spent all of his time in office playing golf and conducting rallies to promote himself.

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