Gas stoves are new culture war

Wed, Jan 18, 2023 (2 a.m.)

Conservatives use every opportunity to turn a liberal idea into an overt Democrat attack on civil liberties. An example is the recent suggestion that if you want to help with climate change, you should consider an electric stove rather than one fueled by gas.

As the burning of gas creates a larger carbon footprint than the use of an electric heating source, the idea makes sense. Conservatives, never missing an opportunity to stir up their base, have created the Gas Stove Gestapo that will soon be banging on your door demanding your favorite kitchen appliance.

They did the same thing with the Affordable Care Act. Remember the death squads that were going to determine who lived and died? These same naysayers were sure that seat belt rules would ruin your driving pleasure and that smoke detectors were liberal attempts to take away your right to chose.

My amusement turns to alarm, however, when these same bastions of civil liberties start legislating away voting rights, abortion rights, gun safety laws, even the banning of books that do not comport with their world-view.

After years of having gas stoves and water heaters and home heating, I recently bought an all electric home. I am very happy with the electric version of each and love not having a gas bill.

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