No sugarcoating impact of nukes

Sun, Jan 22, 2023 (2 a.m.)

​In the past year, the war in Ukraine has been understandably headlined globally, and this war of aggression has rightfully been condemned.

During this protracted tragedy, three words that should be headlined have been used repeatedly — “tactical nuclear weapons.” These are the three most evil words in the human language. In fact, evil does not even begin to cover the scope of “tactical nuclear weapons.”

“Tactical nuclear weapons” implies that these weapons are somehow strategic — legitimate, and can be used in conventional wars. Military planners, including those in the United States, include “tactical nukes” in their list of viable war-fighting options.

The reality here is, of course, unspeakable. “Tactical nuclear weapons” would bring about total annihilation and full- scale nuclear war, which would close the curtain with finality on civilization, humanity and life on earth.

Currently, all nine nuclear-armed countries have increased their weapons spending — expanding their nuclear arsenals, which include “tactical nuclear weapons.”

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres recently warned the world that “humanity is just one miscalculation away from nuclear annihilation.” Concerned citizens globally need to act with urgency on this universal truth. The family of man will not endure unless and until we eliminate all nuclear weapons.

The clock is ticking, and rapidly approaching midnight.

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