Trying to stay calm as others lose their cool

Sun, Jul 30, 2023 (2 a.m.)

August is upon us. That is good news for Las Vegas Sun readers.

This is the time I go in search of cooler climes. I have also searched for cooler heads from our community and state to fill in for me while I am gone. This year, our readers will be treated to guest columnists from a broad array of community and state, civic and educational leaders who have been asked to tell our readers “where they stand” on matters of significance to Las Vegans.

I thank them in advance for their contributions and leave each of you with a few thoughts to ponder in my absence.

Baby, it’s hot outside. Would that it were a bit colder.

As the world continues to set high temperature records on a daily basis, I can’t help but think of the irony of the plus-100 degree sea water surrounding the state of Florida. No one should take pleasure in what is happening to the coral reefs that are bleaching themselves out of existence because what happens in the Florida Keys opens the door to tragedy around the world.

But, it is ironic that the chief enemy of the woke is in charge of the state that is suffering the effects of unchecked climate change when the unchecked gibberish from his mouth over the years has contributed to so much confusion in the electorate about whether and what to do about global warming.

As I said, no one should take any pleasure in Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ comeuppance, because we will all suffer the consequences, but during the next few weeks when here at home the temperatures will soar to new and sustained heights, we should consider learning — finally — what it means to ignore science. And history. And the rights of women. And what it means to lull people to sleep when they should be wide “awoke.”

Whatever that means.

And while I am away, please consider the constant refrain from the other end of my house when every day I have to answer the unanswerable question from my dear Myra: “How can one man jeopardize the safety and security of everyone in America? How can that be?”

She is referring to Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s one-man hold on every major appointment to leadership positions in the U.S. Armed Forces. By definition, our Army, Marine, Air Force and Navy forces without command and control leaves us vulnerable at a time when our enemies are looking for weakness in our resolve.

Well, they need look no further than to the Republican Party control of the U.S. Senate. We are long past the time for Tuberville’s publicity stunt to have its way with those Americans susceptible to his flim-flamming.

By refusing to put a stop to this madness, the entire Republican Party in the Senate is culpable. If you see something harmful to America and don’t say something or do something about it, you are as responsible as the irresponsible senator who started it in the first place.

Anyone who calls themselves a responsible Republican must be very lonely right now because all I see out there are irresponsible Republicans jeopardizing every man, woman and child in the United States with these antics.

Please, someone, answer my wife’s question. How can it be that one man can threaten our security and safety and get away with it with nary a whisper of rebuke from his fellow Republicans?

There is only one answer. They are all complicit in this madness.

Finally, I met a fellow last week who is running for Congress as a Republican. I wished him well and took the opportunity to talk about his ideas. His is a refreshing candidacy because he doesn’t embrace any of the crazy talk that is defining the GOP these days. He actually cares about this country and about getting good stuff accomplished. Or so he says, and I have no reason not to believe him.

One thing he did tell me was his opposition to the United States funding the war in Ukraine and even the extent of our funding and support for NATO. It was the old line about we have problems here at home — especially at the border — that need the money, so let’s spend it here.

He was considerably younger than I so I excused — in my own mind — his naïveté or lack of historical perspective, although I did not excuse it in a man who would be a congressman.

Instead, I asked him why we shouldn’t do both. Protect Americans here at home and protect our vital interests abroad so we don’t have to send our men and women “over there” in the middle of harm’s way.

That came with a short lecture about U.S. isolationism and how far it got us during times of great conflict. World War I and World War II, for example.

His answer was a stock GOP talking point. We don’t have the money to do both.

Fact numero uno: We haven’t had the money to do almost everything we have needed to do for the past 40 years but we have done it, because we had no choice.

We are the United States, we have the money. What we don’t have is the will. Maybe next month we can all look a bit deeper into our own shortcomings as a society to understand why that is the case.

I wished the candidate luck and I meant it. Having sane choices at the poll is essential to a functioning democracy.

Stay cool. And act cool. Our country depends on it!

Brian Greenspun is editor, publisher and owner of the Sun.

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