Congress needs moms’ empathy

Thu, May 25, 2023 (2 a.m.)

As a mother and an advocate for maternal/child health, I appreciate Brian Greenspun’s May 14 column, “Founding Fathers’ ideals require mothers’ lead.”

Policymakers would benefit by listening to moms when we demand help to nurture and protect our children. We need the voices of mothers and others to make them listen.

This year, we can all urge Congress to strengthen the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) when the U.S. Farm Bill is reauthorized. Food-insecure families need more help as they face rising costs of basic needs.

Congress should increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables through the “GusNIP” enhancement. I also urge them to eliminate work requirements for low-income college students who often work the hardest to overcome barriers to attend school.

I ask Nevada’s congressional delegation to work with colleagues to pass a farm bill that builds healthy and equitable food systems.

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