Two cases of West Nile virus detected in Las Vegas area

Wed, Jun 26, 2024 (2:22 p.m.)

Two people in Clark County contracted mosquito-borne West Nile virus, but both recovered from the sometimes fatal illness, the Southern Nevada Health District said.

One of the patients was a man over the age of 60 and the other was a man over 70 years old, officials said.

Earlier this month, the Health District reported the highest level of mosquito activity in the history of its mosquito surveillance program. Mosquitoes infected with West Nile have been identified in 30 area ZIP codes, officials said.

The Health District reported 43 cases of people with West Nile virus in 2019, but only one case in 2022 and two last year.

Most people who contract West Nile virus will not develop symptoms, but some can suffer inflammation of the brain or membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord.

The Health District encourages people to protect themselves from mosquitoes by eliminating standing water, using Environmental Protection Agency-registered insect repellent and wearing loose-fitting, long-sleeved shirts and pants.

To report mosquito activity, call the Health District at 702-759-1633.

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