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Grade Sandoval's State of the State address

We ask for your ZIP code and political party only so we can map this information for the entire state.

Survey Period: Jan. 24, 2011 | 6 p.m. Feb. 24, 2011 | 3:08 p.m.

What grade would you assign to Gov. Brian Sandoval's State of the State address?
Response Votes
F 37.2% 269
D 20.2% 146
A 16.6% 120
C 15.5% 112
B 10.5% 76
Total Votes 723
What is your political party affiliation?
Response Votes
Democrat 45.4% 328
Independent 24.3% 176
Republican 22.4% 162
Other 3.6% 26
Libertarian 2.4% 17
Green 1.1% 8
Tea Party of Nevada 0.7% 5
Independent American Party 0.1% 1
Total Votes 723

Note: This is not a scientific poll. The results reflect only the opinions of those who chose to participate. Results may be cached for page and site performance.