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March 3, 2008

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Total Comments: 15 (view all)

For those of you who see a pattern in this police shooting - I agree. But the pattern is not the police. It is the morals/ethics/lack of responsibility that the public deems acceptable.
If a felon runs from the police and causes a car wreck - everyone blames the police.
If a person with the capability of killing another human being is shot by the police, everyone blames the police.
If you violate the law and get a ticket, it is the cops fault. This is indeed the entitlement society. No one accepts reponsibility for anything!!!!!

People - grow up. We live in a society with rules and regulations. Follow them. Don't like the rules change them.
Don't want cops to shoot bad guys? change the laws so the bad guys can do whatever they want to do - the police won't shoot anyone then!!

(Suggest removal) 7/14/11 at 4:55 p.m.

SummerlinCC & Tanker:

I understand your points. Several years back, I was off duty and carrying a weapon. Poof - here are 3 police officers with drawn weapons. They are kinda spooked and one was yelling - put your hands up. one was yelling get down on the ground. I froze. I did NOT move. After several seconds, they got their sh*t together and I followed instructions. I didn't reach for my gun. I didn't get shot. The reality is NONE of us were there at Costco. All we have are opinions. We do NOT have facts!!

(Suggest removal) 6/9/11 at 1:15 p.m.

I do not know Eric Scott. I do not know the officers. The only facts I know are this - As simplistically put as possible. Do what you are told by the police and you will not be shot!

I have stopped vehicles with people and guns. I have stopped people with guns in their belt or pockets. I have never had to shoot anyone. Was I afraid for my life, yes! BUT THEY did what they were told to do. They lived through it!

(Suggest removal) 6/9/11 at 10:26 a.m.

How articulate.. How insightful.. Morons? Whiners? Ridiculous? You must have had a lot of fun in 4th grade for those 3 extra years!

Regardless, there is a world of difference between congestion and gridlock and the latter is the issue. Try going into Arizona on US93 on a holiday weekend. Perhaps your room temperature IQ will allow you to understand.

(Suggest removal) 3/2/11 at 8:06 p.m.

AND a huge thank you to ALL of the volunteers who gave countless hours and donations to reach this goal!

(Suggest removal) 10/22/10 at 10:13 a.m.

(view all 15)

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