Las Vegas Sun

May 18, 2024

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Comments by user: jlfcopter

I got married in Las Vegas in 2008 on top of the Statosphere on the Big Shot and purchased a light in 2010 from that date. Russel did a great job and personalized the inside with a picture and information I sent him. The box is very nice and makes a great gift.

(Suggest removal) 9/13/12 at 3:04 p.m.

The economy will recover slowly as it has the past 4 years whether he is the President or not! That is the problem. Obama is good at two things, making speeches and blaming others for his own weaknesses. Liberals elected a man with absolutely zero, zip, nada leadership experience to run the greatest free country in the world in 2008. His policies that were rammed through during his first two years with full and absolute control of house and senate have failed miserably. We are still treading water after 4 years of hope and change. He has been in full campaign mode now for 16 months, absent from any leadership in this dire time of economic crisis. The only reason he wants to be re-elected is that he is so scared that he will go down as the worst one term President in US history as he well deserves.

(Suggest removal) 9/7/12 at 4:25 a.m.

Of course it's not ok if it's true stamm or Mark, but pick your battles for heavens sake. 40 years ago he bullied a kid when "gay" didn't even enter the eqation for kids. Why don't you comment about Obama's racist past and present as an adult man? As usual we get the liberal shuffle. This campaign will be quite a bunch of socialist smoke and mirrors to get a non-leader racist re-elected.

(Suggest removal) 5/11/12 at 8:17 a.m.

Lynn Johnson, I got a good laugh at your "Cristian" remark. Please comment about The Obama families racist ex-family minister Rev. Wright or his good friend convicted terrorist bomber Bill Ayers or his support for the new black panther racist hate group. Please comment if your socialist Obama is a good Cristian. I know you wont, but just wanted to remind you of his past too,lol. You liberals really need more 40 yr old stories such as these as you sure can't comment much about Obama's record or his experience as a leader. Yes gmag39, sadly you sure know how to pick um.

(Suggest removal) 5/11/12 at 5:39 a.m.

My wife and I got married June 13, 2008 on a Friday on the top of the Stratosphere in a Bigshot wedding. What a blast and what memories. A perfect night with a great view of the city. Las Vegas was so much fun and our daughters were able to be there which made it special too.

(Suggest removal) 4/14/12 at 2:08 p.m.

To my socialist friends. If more drilling here will not lower prices because of increased US inventory, how does the liberal mantra of conserve conserve work to reduce prices? It produces the very same effect. The only difference I see is that we get to reap the financial benefits instead of countries whose people want to kill us. We are still many decades from developing a meaningful alternitive to fossel fuel. Yes, meaningful, not a trillion windmills and 10 trillion cheap Chinese solar panels.

(Suggest removal) 4/11/12 at 8:14 a.m.

Cognastics, please take your blue tinfoil hat off and read my comment again. The main point was about a non-leader behaving like a coward because he will not make any major decisions that might affect his re-election even if it hurts our economy. All other Presidents democrat or republican have been leaders during a campaign year and made major decisions except this one.

(Suggest removal) 3/25/12 at 3:31 a.m.

Speaking of the economy recovering,lol. It has been on autopilot for 8 months now as Obama has been in full campaign mode now for 8 months and will continue throughout 2012. He is absent from office and will continue to be a non-leader throughout 2012. He is scared to make any major decisions for our country that might have a negative impact on his re-election and is postponing all of them until after the election if he can. That is anything but a strong leader! This is what happens when you elect a man with absolutely zero leadership experience to run the greatest free country in the world.

(Suggest removal) 3/24/12 at 1:43 p.m.

Noindex, short, but sweet comment and right to the point! The liberals will not explain or offer real solutions on how to do it. Also include the environmental extremists as they do wield much power, but for the life of me I don't know how,lol And Juan, please explain how you think we can substitute the energy we need while we "wean ourselves from mid-east oil" Please tell us how, no I mean it please tell us how. Offer a plan!

(Suggest removal) 3/20/12 at 3:03 p.m.

Bimmerdude, answer me back with some logic will you. Most greenies just want to complain about the horrors of fossil fuels, but will not offer many solutions other than wind and solar. They also believe we can replace fossil fuels within a few years. Is this what you believe? That is a pipe dream. Don't just spout the "we need to wean ourselves from fossil fuels" mantra as that is getting old. There are thousands of scientists and engineers working on new technologies as we comment. We are not there and won't be for decades, but we will get there. Let's get and use our own oil until the future technologies are here.

(Suggest removal) 3/20/12 at 2:18 p.m.