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March 3, 2012

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Oh please,Longtimevegan, just keep watching MSNBC because that's the garbage they promote. Joe Biden and Obama manipulate numbers and lie just like the rest of them.

(Suggest removal) 9/7/12 at 8:23 a.m.

Obama has increased the debt, and we keep printing money. I'm worried about all the debt and I wish he would have had the guts to really support and push the Simpson-Bowles plan. Alas, the Hope and Change has turned into the whine and blame and he doesn't deserve another term, I don't care how good of a speaker he is.

(Suggest removal) 9/5/12 at 8:37 a.m.

Yep, lets just keep printing money and running up the debt, that's the Obama way! Let's follow Pelosi and vote for Obamacare and then we'll find out what's in it. How many contracts do you sign when someone tells you that. Keep heading down the same path, increase taxes. I think that before any party passes a tax increase they must make a cut in spending larger than the tax increase. We have got to stop all the SPENDING.

(Suggest removal) 9/2/12 at 9:13 a.m.

I would like to know how Ron Paul's son feels about this rebellion by a small group. I don't believe for a minute that Ron Paul didn't know what was going on. His son may run for President one day, and I wonder how old Ron would feel about a group that behaved this way. Just wondering.....

(Suggest removal) 8/29/12 at 5:28 p.m.

Do you really like having a health care plan shoved down your throat without any say? No one can tell you what it will cost except that as time goes on it will be way above estimates. I am for healthcare reform, but I also believe that everyone should pay something toward their care. Every time someone tries to implement a small fee for emergency room visits or Dr. visits liberals go crazy. You want to see abuse see the article in Fresno where two homeless guys call an ambulance 2 times a day, and the ambulance takes them to the hospital for fear of being sued. They pay NOTHING.

(Suggest removal) 3/23/12 at 9:46 a.m.

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