Las Vegas Sun

May 19, 2024

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Comments by user: phillyfanatic

This adviser and Sandoval ought to be ashamed for not appearing with Mitt. The best revenge for the horrors of Obama and his anti-American domestic and foreign policies would be to vote for Heller and Mitt to make sure the most alien Prez in our history is ousted.

(Suggest removal) 10/23/12 at 9 p.m.

By now voters , delegates who lean Pub must know that we are facing a real danger in the Obama Admin. and Congress. It is inane to vote for Ron Paul now and confuse the real issue: the real villain that must be defeated in Nov. is not Mitt or Ron or any Pub but the Reid Senate, Bama and the Dems up and down the ticket. Voting, splitting , being silly when the only real unified way is for Libertarians, Paulites if you will, Indies,Reagan Dems, Reagan Dems to vote Mitt and Pub candidates. These Dems , NV and elsewhere are not your regular Dem of JFK, Truman, Scoop Jackson, Sam Nunn types. These are radical Marxists and it is too late to play around with pols who cannot stop the Dems and will not win. Unite and go after the real enemies: the DNC types of which Bama and Reid personify.

(Suggest removal) 5/5/12 at 5:29 p.m.

The MSM is always ready to cover for this Socialist In Chief whether he appoints more leftists to offices that frankly, whose spots should be weighed out on equality as all Dem reps have demanded of Pub Presidents since Ronaldus Magnus. That is the hypocrisy not the demand to do what Dems originally demanded. As to one party rule, the Obamaites had it for two years till 2010 and now they whine they want to look like the old Soviets so they can do what??? Bring equality?>? Please. Sort of like this johnnycomelately bit of Bama wanting to merge agencies for....cuts. Yikes. He cuts the small business and free trade free enterprise entities. Not welfare, stamps agencies or labor loving one. Please let us not talk of hypocrisy till he himself abandons the horror of Obamacare which will give him and Dems power for decades.

(Suggest removal) 1/14/12 at 10:56 a.m.

With Obama as the worst Prez in my 73 yrs., a liar from the Pit as he proved yesterday in that class warfare speech in Ks., and with his failed policies that so many posters here have amnesia on: Obamacare, joblessness, more taxes-spending-regs than all the Admin.s since FDR , no domestic energy policy but lots of enviro nuttery, a failed foreign policy and hatred of Israel while he kow tows to the Islamofascists, loses Libya, Egypt, Afghan to the Muslim Bros and Al Queda. Yeah you lib drones sure picked a winner. Newt, Mitt or any Pub will replace this guy and even you will be happier.

(Suggest removal) 12/7/11 at 7:08 p.m.

The OWS folks are now the BASE for the DNC ,Obama and the progressive leftist Dems in the USA. No wonder people do not want to know what they believe: they are not oblivious to these flackers, they simply do not want them as representatives of America. Neither do I. There are too many domestic and foreign horrors created by Obama and people like these thugs that Americans have to just say NO to Obama and his ilk in 2012. After all Las Vegas now has nearly 14% under-employment. Harry and Bama must be proud of that number!

(Suggest removal) 11/21/11 at 5:55 p.m.

The Poor Sun editors: they think that the likes of Reid has answers to local and state issues via more Fed. Govt. mandates, spending, taxes, and regs. Wow. Where have you been guys? Your state is floating in unemployment and it will take Pubs years to regain our free enterprise status after voters vote out Big Govt OWS Dem and their CAIR-ACORN-SEIU allies. None of this Naif in the WH's policies have worked for we citizens Sun guys. Not one. Yet, you blame the Pubs. This guy is the worse Prez in my 72 yrs. and I have taught history for the last 48 yrs. You guys apparently would not pass my tests!

(Suggest removal) 11/3/11 at 10:09 a.m.

Apparently the Sun does not remember that there are 15 Pub bills on the economy waiting for the Reid Senate to vote upon. The Pubs have plenty of real free enterprise answers but the snarky, smarmy Reid will not bring them up for an up or down vote. The House should still keep passing laws that would aid all Americans and then educate the populace with ads telling them to ask Reid and Obama to please sign the House bills passed.

(Suggest removal) 10/30/11 at 12:57 p.m.

I would like to know which pol got NV these two solar contracts. I keep wondering if any of this green baloney works on a massive scale....NOW. After all, we know our military will never run on green. And lib Dems, Reid et al ,Bama hate our domestic coal, gas, oil, shale-tar-sand oil deposits plus nuclear plant building. Until Bama and his Dem Congress is gone, the US will not get the energy we need, cheaper, easily gotten, and useful for all.

(Suggest removal) 9/26/11 at 7:03 p.m.

Of course Reid would agree with Bama. After all,NV has an unemployment level near ....12-14%. Vegas is about the same , is it not???? Heller realizes what the Rose Garden speech is. Pure race and class warfare. One cannot tax,spend and put even more regs on a weakened eco. which you Obama, have made worse in triplicate. You said that yourself,remember??? We need to get this crew out of office or lose our liberties and republic. Good for Sandoval and good for Heller. Bad for Reid and the other Dems who still think Keynes wins.

(Suggest removal) 9/19/11 at 3:48 p.m.

I amazed that liberal writers, media outlets in NV would be still not laying responsibility of this eco.,soc., cul.,foreign policy mess at the feet of ...Bama and his Dems Senate cohorts? You want jobs? Repeal Dodd-Frank,Sarbanes-Oxley, and EPA regs. Free up businesses so they can hire private sector job openings. Repeal Obamacare which will bankrupt businesses. Govt. creates only public sector union thug jobs. I know that is truth that libs and Dems hate to admit but polls are showing now that few, about 35% in America think any any of Bama's ideological eco. views work. Stimulus failed guys. Big Time. It is not only NV but CA, and other Blue states with huge unemployment numbers. And this naif in the WH will still not allow Americans to benefit from our huge domestic energy resources. Today,the dunces at Interior and the WH told legal coal mining companies to forego electricity production so even you libs will have higher energy costs. We have oil, shale, gas, coal for over 200 yrs and the enviro-socialists in the WH still will not allow its use even though 2 federal jurists said, allow drilling. Please wake up to reality. This stimulus leftist baloney is killing American free enterprise. And you voters in NV who elected Reid, should be boiled in BP oil.

(Suggest removal) 8/21/11 at 8:39 a.m.