Monday, all day and all of the night, just like Ray Davies sang, is the time to pick up one of Rockhouse's signature shots. This one has enough sweetness and enough of a kick, too, making repeat trips to the bar a necessity for both sexes. Girls love the pink X-Rated Fusion Liqueur, peach schnapps and pineapple juice, while guys have no problem with the Absolut vodka — or asking the bartender for a Money Shot.

Nick Coletsos

Monday, all day and all of the night, just like Ray Davies sang, is the time to pick up one of Rockhouse's signature shots. This one has enough sweetness and enough of a kick, too, making repeat trips to the bar a necessity for both sexes. Girls love the pink X-Rated Fusion Liqueur, peach schnapps and pineapple juice, while guys have no problem with the Absolut vodka — or asking the bartender for a Money Shot.