No one likes a snitch - that is, unless there's some Ketel One Oranje involved. The Palms is one of the only properties in Las Vegas to carry the new vodka, which launched in April, and 9 Group mixologist Dave Herlong is already at work incorporating the spirit into cocktails. Ghostbar's signature Wednesday night drink includes the aforementioned vodka, fresh lime juice, triple sec and cranberry juice, just as nature, or perhaps Carrie Bradshaw, intended.

Steve Marcus

No one likes a snitch - that is, unless there's some Ketel One Oranje involved. The Palms is one of the only properties in Las Vegas to carry the new vodka, which launched in April, and 9 Group mixologist Dave Herlong is already at work incorporating the spirit into cocktails. Ghostbar's signature Wednesday night drink includes the aforementioned vodka, fresh lime juice, triple sec and cranberry juice, just as nature, or perhaps Carrie Bradshaw, intended.